Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup

Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe

Chicken Noodle Soup is the BEST thing on a cold, winter’s night. Chicken Noodle Soup from scratch? Even better! Cuddle up with a nice bowl of soup, and some homemade bread…Yum! This chicken noodle soup recipe is the easiest thing to make, and I even give you some steps to make it even easier. The best part is that it’s not only easy, but it’s also cheap and healthy. Win, win, win!

Have you seen my homemade bone broth recipe? Broth is very needed in this recipe, and it is the easiest thing to make. It is the ultimate way to use your leftovers. This chicken noodle soup recipe is much better (and healthier) with homemade broth. Check out my recipe here!

Below I’ve laid out my easy chicken noodle soup recipe, as I like to make it. Afterward, I give you some ideas on how to adapt the recipe to make it easier and to adapt in case you don’t have all the ingredients in the house. This is the best, no fail recipe for a quick meal that’s sure to satisfy. Even better, some of these adaptations are so easy you could make it when you or a family member is sick and not feeling like cooking.

Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe

Easy Ingredients:

  • 1 lb chicken
  • 32oz chicken broth (I prefer salt-free or reduced sodium, or make your own!)
  • 1 onion
  • 3 celery stalks
  • Pasta of your choice

Easy Instructions:

  1. Dice the chicken into small pieces and cook in a pan
  2. Next, slice onion and celery stalks
  3. Then, put chicken, onion, and celery into a pot with the chicken broth
  4. Add spices and stir
  5. Then, bring to a boil, and then turn down to low.
  6. Next, cover and let simmer for about 30 mins
  7. In a separate pan, boil water and cook the noodles to al dente
  8. After flavors have mixed, drain pasta and add to the chicken mix
  9. Enjoy!

Adapting the Ingredients:


AMll you need is about 1 lb (or as much as you have) of chicken or turkey. Leftovers are great for this, and it’s perfect for Thanksgiving leftovers! Don’t have 1 lb? Fine! Just adjust the recipe with more or less liquid or veggies to get the consistency you want.

Don’t have chicken on hand? Then run to the store, and buy yourself a pre-made rotisserie chicken. They usually run about $5, and you can make even more meals with it if you don’t use it all for soup. Bonus, you’ll have chicken bones to make your own broth!

Chicken Broth

I always like to make my own chicken broth, (check out my easy recipe here!) but the stuff in a can or box will also do just fine. If you bought your own rotisserie chicken, then you can use the bones to make your own broth, and that onion and celery you bought can be used for this as well. Chicken broth is SO healthy for you. Just throw the bones, some veggies, and add some spice into the mix and boil for a few hours.

Don’t have enough broth? Then add some water. You can replace even as much as ⅓ of the amount of broth with water, and you won’t notice a flavor difference. Also, you can add a bit more spice to the mix to make up for the taste if you want.


No onion or celery? I’ve used everything from broccoli to sweet peppers in this soup and it’s always worked fine. I’ve even gone as far as throwing in some frozen veggies which require literally no prep. I aim for a ratio of at least matching the number of veggies with meat.


Okay, this one you kind of have to have, but you could also substitute rice in a pinch. If you want to cut down on prep time, you can cook the noodles or rice in with the soup, but you may need more liquid as both will absorb some liquid as they cook. Rice will absorb a lot more liquid than the pasta, so plan accordingly.


Basically any spices that work with chicken will do. I’ve used Italian spice mixes, chicken spice mixes, pizza spices, plain spices like oregano, rosemary, or others. If you have no spices on hand, please buy some! Just kidding, good old salt and pepper will do just fine in a pinch. I would recommend adding those to taste at the end so you don’t overdo it.

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