
12 Days of Christams Kindness Challenge

The 12 Days of Christmas Kindness Challenge is meant for the whole family! My husband and I were watching National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation last night, and it occurred to me that Christmas really has two meanings.

The first meaning is what many people see as the reality of Christmas, even if it isn’t the true meaning. It’s the presents, the cost, the stress, and the family drama. While those are some people’s realities of Christmas, it is not the true meaning.

The second meaning is the true meaning. It’s the kindness, and giving. It is spending time with family despite the drama. It’s the Christmas lights, and cozy nights. We all know this, but I think we sometimes lose sight of it.

So, I’ve developed a way to practice the true meaning of Christmas. It’s the 12 days of Christmas Kindness Challenge. It’s designed to begin on December 14th, and go through Christmas day. However, if you want to do it a different time, you go for it! Spread the cheer all year long.

The Challenge

Day 1: Go caroling. 

I know, I know. Singing in public is embarrassing. BUT, my day job is a choir teacher with a Bachelors in Music, so I feel fully qualified in saying EVERYONE CAN SING. Can we all sing well? No. But, if you can talk, you can sing. As a musician, I don’t care whether you think you can sing or not. I care that you take the attitude of Buddy the Elf. “The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear”.

Day 2: Make a Christmas card for a stranger.

Many people like to send cards to elderly people in nursing homes, or soldiers over seas. Doesn’t matter if it’s that, or your cranky neighbor…getting mail makes people smile.

Day 3: Donate to a food pantry

Do me a favor, and look up what they are in need of before you donate. Many people just donate canned food because it’s cheap and easy. That’s hardly the Christmas spirit. Donate something they are in need of. Many food pantries update their websites with needs, or call and ask.

Day 4: Call a school and donate something for a child in need

Many schools run donations like Toys for Tots, or collect winter clothes for kids in need. Schools are the most knowledgeable about the needs of kids in your neighborhood, so call and ask. They are always looking for items.

Day 5: Call someone you haven’t talked to in awhile

You’d be surprised how happy they are to hear from you. It can be a relative, an old friend, or someone you knew back when. If you don’t want to call, then text them or Facebook message them. Just say hi.

Day 6: Shovel Snow

Shovel out someone’s sidewalk. Scrape their car. Shovel their driveway. Or just help them do it. 

Day 7: Shop small business

As a teacher, many of my colleagues also run small businesses as side gigs. Even this blog is a side gig for me. Many people run small businesses as their full time income. Helping a small business means food on the table for families in your community. Buy small when you can.

Day 8: Bake cookies

Bake cookies for someone. It can be anyone. Go to your favorite store and drop off cookies to the break room. Bring them into your own work. Drop them off at a nursing home for the staff. Or a hospital. Cookies are yummy.

Also, if you want some amazing hot chocolate to go with those cookies, I have a post with over 10 varieties here! It includes Pumpkin Spice, Peanut Butter Cup, and some adult varieties ðŸ˜‰ 

Day 9: Invite someone over for dinner

It can be anyone! It’s not about the food, it’s about the company. It could be family, someone for work, or someone you see all the time! Just spend time with people.

Day 10: Take the day off social media

We spend so much time on our phones. Take the day off and spend time with your family. Then, go for a walk, read to your kids, or read yourself! You can’t be kind to everyone if you are not kind to yourself.

Day 11: Be kind to a stranger

Hold the door. Then, let them ahead of you in line. Smile and say hello. Help them reach something on a shelf. Ask if they need help. Just do something nice.

Day 12: Volunteer Somewhere

Literally anywhere. Find somewhere and volunteer.

Bonus: Tell your family you love them

I hate emotions. They make me uncomfortable. But someday, that family will be gone and you will regret not saying it. Say it. Cherish it.

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