
Welcome to my blog!

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My story

This journey began fairly recently, in 2018. I was sitting at home with my husband, as both of us were working on finishing up degrees. He was completing an Bachelor’s degree in HR in December, and I was to finish my Master’s in Curriculum and Design in the spring. My hubby was about to start a new job that was second-shift, while I, as a teacher, was working first. He made the offhand comment that he didn’t know what we were going to do after our degrees were done…we were so used to full time jobs and full time school! At the moment, I realized I needed a hobby.

So, the journey to freedom began! Recently married, we wanted to find financial freedom, and the time to do the things we wanted to do. So, I figured I’d at least get a hobby that made us some money! And….here we are!

My mission

My mission with this blog is to help you, my loyal reader, to find financial freedom. I try to give you the tools you need to do this. This includes recipes, budget hacks, tips, and more!

As you enjoy my blog and our story, please feel free to visit our legal statements page to ensure that everyone has a safe, enjoyable journey towards finding your freedom.